Telecom Consulting for OSS/BSS Solution Providers


Convalis Telcon

Service Portfolio

Your Challenges:   Our Services
Grow international sales in a start-up company We assist your company to identify business opportunities and relevant decision-makers of the Potential Customers/Channels. We establish the initial contacts with decision-makers and other key managers in the Customer's/Channels organisation's in order to support the marketing and business development activities of the Company. We commercially assist and advise the Company regarding the negotiations of bids and contracts to position the Company for success in its sales efforts.
Define the next step in your product portfolio evolution We guide your team in market analyze, market intelligence, define strategy and tactics. We work based on our enhanced B2B competitive advantage model (derived from Porter).
Decision regarding "make or buy" We asses your strategy based on our enhanced B2B competitive advantage model and additional criterias based on our practical experience to define the core competence areas of the company. We support you to find potential targets fitting the "buy" decision.
Buying technology or market share Based on our strong relation ship to the software industry and our broad knowledge, we support you to find according target companies.
Develop a vision/strategy for the company We asses your current vision/strategy based on our enhanced B2B competitive advantage model and additional criterias based on our practical experience and our market intelligence. Together with your team, we develop based on the results of our assessment a competitive vision/strategy to ensure your future success in your markets.
Building subsidiaries in foreign countries / off shoring Together with our partner LawTank we combine business experience and understanding international law to forge holistic solutions which are sustainable. Excellence links to off shore companies is a part of our network.
Review and challenge your current strategy, processes and operations After an assessment of strategy, processes and operations in your company (incl. discussions with your employees and join the daily business by visits), we show you your potential to increase your efficiency and to improve the outcome of your strategy.

Convalis Telcon is a business unit of Convalis AG.

Convalis Telcon AG

Thomas Sutter, Chairman and Founder
Seeblick 1
6330 Cham
Tel: +41 79 352 68 55


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