Telecom Consulting for OSS/BSS Solution Providers


Convalis Telcon

Our team of professionals

Convalis Telcon works with a team of independent and highly experienced business consultants. This virtual organization based on trust and long-time relationships is a guarantee for successfully executing extremely cost-efficient and best-in-class quality projects.

The following highly experienced and skilled business consultants make up this team of professionals:

  • Thomas Sutter
  • Stefan Anderlohr
  • Niko Schweitzer
  • Luka Radomirov
  • Tatjana Smolenskaya

Convalis Telcon is a business unit of Convalis AG.

Convalis Telcon AG

Thomas Sutter, Chairman and Founder
Seeblick 1
6330 Cham
Tel: +41 79 352 68 55


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